Quiet – Susan Cain

I have grown up in a family of extroverts and I spent most of my life believing that I was an extrovert myself–or at least I believed that I needed to put forth a hugely social front. My mom thought something might be wrong with me because I used to play by myself a lot and I preferred reading to most other activities. However, throughout my life I have been very talkative and friendly so I didn’t think the word “introvert” applied to me.

Around the age of 17/18 I took a Myers-Briggs test and was surprised that I came up as an introvert (INTJ, which I later discovered is the introvert personality type that finds it easiest to be pseudo-extrovert, which made sense to me). And around the same time I moved from being in my own room and being homeschooled to entering college and sharing a room with other people. I discovered that I had naturally spent a lot of time alone without even realizing that it was a vital part of who I am and only once that became a lot more difficult for me to did I realize that I struggled with how much social stimulation I was receiving.

In Quiet I felt more hopeful about who I am and less like there is something wrong with me. Feeling overwhelmed when my weekends are too full, enjoying reading and watching TV and other solitary activities, getting physically sick when I feel like I have spent too much time around people, enjoying contemplating deeper things and my favorite way to spend time with my fiancé being curling up on the couch and not feeling the need to say or do much except watch TV or read together. I think it helped me to learn more about myself so that I will be more willing to embrace these things about myself in future. Overall, I really enjoyed the read.

Forgotten God – Francis Chan

This book is written to help believers understand the Holy Spirit, how He works in our lives and how we can receive His help. He moved beyond the doctrine of the Holy Spirit and instead showed how we today could draw on the Holy Spirit’s power as they did in New Testament times. I specifically liked how he explained that if we had grown up on a deserted island and had only the Bible to read that when we returned to the modern Christian world we would be shocked to see how little the church draws on the Holy Spirit and how lacking in passion they were.

I really appreciated this book and how it showed me the person that is the Holy Spirit. Although I have long been taught and I believe that I understood that the Holy Spirit is not an “it” but a person of the Godhead; this book showed me the Holy Spirit in a new way.

Dead End Desire – Phil Moser


Book Review #1 (50 Points)

Name: AJ Timberlake

Date: 2/10/2018

Title of Book: Dead End Desire

Author: Phil Moser

  1. Have you read all of this book? Yes     
  2. How would you rate this book? 3.5 Stars
  3. What did you base your evaluation on?

I think this book was well written but that at times, even though the book was short, it belabored the point. It got the point across that it intended to but at times I felt like the author was being too repetitive.

  1. What do you feel was the theme of the book?

The theme of the book was understanding what exactly self-pity is, identifying it as different from humility and then providing truths and tools to overcome it with a specific focus on Jesus Christ who never allowed Himself to be self-pitying even in the midst of many trials and tribulations.

  1. List five thoughts you feel the writer sought to convey.
  • Self-pity is a result of pride and a lack of humility. It is an attempt to look like one is humble but instead shows the attitude of our hearts
  • Self-pity causes us to become numb to sin. We start to feel more and more justified in our wrong doing and become more willing to do what we know we should not do.
  • Self-pity causes us to view reality as different than it really is. We begin to think that God isn’t the good God anymore.
  • We need to make sure that we never view ourselves as above a certain type of sin.
  • It is not the fault of our circumstances that causes us to dwell in self-pity, it is our attitude towards the circumstances that is the problem.
  1. List & explain two new truths you have gained that you can apply to your spiritual life.
  • I need to humble myself before the Lord so that I can understand how much grace I truly need. I am a sinner who has been saved by God’s grace and when I have an attitude of pride I will not remember that.
  • It is important that I do not fall into the trap of thinking that I deserve something, whether it be something that I have or do not have. It is only by God’s grace that I have anything at all
  1. List & describe two contributions that will help you develop your personal ministries.
  • Even when I do not feel love towards those whom I am ministering to, it is important that I remember that love is a choice and that those people are still in desperate need of my love. I also need to remember how much God has loved and does love me so that I don’t fall into a state of self-pity.
  • It is important for me to remember the character of the God that I serve. He is a loving God who knows what is best for me as well as what is best for His glory and that may include suffering. If I can remember and focus on Who God is then it will be easier for me to accept what He has willed for me.

Wiersbe’s BE Wise

3 Stars

School Assignment

Format: Logos



This is a review of 4 chapters of Wiersbe’s Bible Exposition Commentary on 1 Corinthians known as “BE Wise”. I read chapter six and chapters nine through eleven. Throughout the book., Wiersbe focuses on helping the reader understand more clearly what the book of first Corinthians is about. His focus is on how the book of first Corinthians helps the church and us as believers to be wise in the decisions that we make and the way that we live our lives. Throughout it all he is challenging the reader to be wise like Paul is encouraging the Corinthians to be and how that applies to us today.

A Summary of the Author’s Thoughts

In chapter six, Wiersbe talks about Christian marriage and how we as believers can be married and this is not condemned but we need to carefully evaluate whether it is the best thing for us or if it would be better to stay single. He discusses that marriage is a covenant that should not be rushed into and divorce should never be part of the equation when we enter into it.

In chapters nine through eleven, Wiersbe discusses the church and the church body. He first expresses what he believes regarding women in the church according to first Corinthians and continues to discuss what he believes regarding order within the church according to Paul’s teaching including the role of men and women according to what God has designed and how the Lord’s Supper should be constructed. He then talks about how we are all to be united as a church body and how the spiritual gifts are to be exercised. There should not be jealousy over other spiritual gifts and all of them should be exercised out of love and for the benefit of other believers.

An Evaluation of the Book

I do not necessarily agree with all that Wiersbe has to say in his book. I do not believe that he has always correctly exegeted what the text of first Corinthians has to say, and I believe that we differ in some of the points that he made. As an example, in 1 Corinthians 7:29 it says “This is what I mean, brothers: the appointed time has grown very short. From now on, let those who have wives live as though they had none”[1]. Weirsbe seems to believe that means that some will have to live without a sexual union because of the political climate that was taking place in Corinthians at the time: “In fact, the situation might become so difficult that even those already married will have to live as though they were not married. Perhaps Paul was referring to husbands and wives being separated from each other because of economic distress or persecution”[2]. This doesn’t make sense to me as Paul says that married couples should not deprive each other (7:3; 7:5). I prefer the explanation of the Bible Knowledge commentary which states: The phrase the time is short referred to the Lord’s return but it was also a summary philosophy of life for Paul who lived not for the temporary but for the eternal This detachment from temporal matters should characterize all Christians but it was more complex for the married for whom, nonetheless, devotion to their Lord should occupy first place in life. Paul certainly was not recommending abandoning marital duties. Instead he was calling for a commitment to eternal matters and a corresponding detachment from the institutions, values, and substance of this world which was passing away. Such a commitment was more easily made and enacted by a single person[3]. This makes more sense to me than what Wiersbe has to say.

I believe that Wiersbe is trying to make a commentary that is more like a book than an in-depth commentary. His purpose is different than that of many other commentaries and so it has to be read as such. As a result, I think he accomplishes what he sets out to do and is successful in making sure that he gives a broad overview of the book.

Wiersbe’s interpretation of the book of Corinthians was different than mine but that he still attempts to give a solid interpretation of the book. There is no time when what he says goes directly against Scripture and he does the best that he can to help make the text understandable to his readers. His writing is easy to understand and laid out in such a way that makes it easy to read like a book unlike most commentaries.

Personal Applications

Once I get married I must ensure that I continue to keep God in first place in my life. My marriage should make me more affective for God’s kingdom not make me focus on things of this world. No matter what happens I am called to obey God and serve Him to the best of my ability.

Marriage is a covenant and should not be taken lightly. When I go into marriage I must remember that it is for life and that divorce should never be a consideration. My marriage is to be a picture to the world of Christ and his bride and the unity of the trinity.

Unity is very important within the church body. I need to be building up my brothers and sisters in Christ and ensuring that I work with them to accomplish the spreading of the Gospel. My love for other believers will show the world that I am different.


[1] Anon, 2016. The Holy Bible: English Standard Version, Wheaton: Standard Bible Society.

[2] Wiersbe, W.W., 1996. The Bible exposition commentary, Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.

[3] Lowery, D.K., 1985. 1 Corinthians. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck, eds. The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, pp. 519–520.

Astrophysics for People in a Hurry  by Neil deGrasse Tyson

3 Stars

Challenges: PBT Monthly Tag

Format: Kindle Book

Page Count: 222

Books So Far This Year: 1


This book is a compilation of essays that explain several things about the universe including why planets are in sphere form, what dark matter is, and what dwarf galaxies are. It does so in a way that could be considered simply but honestly it is so much information to take in at once that there isn’t much likelihood of you gleaning all of the benefit out of it that you could.

Personally, I love books like this. I have always considered myself to be a curious person, someone who likes to know a little about a lot rather than a lot about a little. And so a book that gives me a crash course in something is always a good idea in my mind. I enjoyed this book even though I didn’t understand more than half of it. I was completely overwhelmed while I read but I loved it at the same time.

That is not to say that I necessarily agreed with everything that Tyson shared in his book, things that as a Bible believing Christian just don’t line up with my views, such as how the universe came into being. However, just because I don’t see the world in the same way as Tyson (and even though he tells me that I am wrong for seeing the world differently) doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t recommend his book, simply with caution.

I rated this book 3 stars. The reason for this is because I felt like too much of it went over my head and I went into it thinking that more of it would be easier for someone like me, someone who is “in a hurry”, to understand because he would explain things more clearly. Maybe this was an unrealistic expectation, it is a book on astrophysics after all but it did result in a lower rating from me.

2018 Tracking

Christian Books:




PBT Decathlon:

Avid Reader:

  1. A biography
  2. A book about christian living
  3. A book published in 2018
  4. A book by an author who is no longer alive
  5. A novel
  6. A book for teens or young adults
  7. A book more than 100 years old
  8. A book targeted at the opposite gender
  9. A book your best friend recommends
  10. A book with at least 400 pages
  11. A book of your choice
  12. A book about theology
  13. A book about current events
  14. A book of 100 pages or less
  15. A book about the early church
  16. A book with a picture of the author on the cover
  17. A book on the current New York bestsellers list
  18. A book written by a puritan
  19. A book by or about a pastor
  20. A commentary on a book of the Bible
  21. A book that won a prize
  22. A book you have borrowed
  23. A book about Christian history
  24. A book by an author you’ve never read before
  25. A book based on a true story
  26. A book by a female author

Running Total: 0

Running Page Total: 0

Audio Books: 0

Ebooks: 0

Paperbacks: 0

Hardcover: 0

2018 Challenge Goals

This year I would like to have a year with no rereads (except the Bible)

I have decided to make my overall reading goal on Goodreads only “1” and then see how far I go on my own without the pressure of trying to meet a goal and stay on track, etc.

Other challenges include:

Reading 12 Christian books

Reading 3 classics

Reading 12 books I have purchased before 2018

Reading 6 books that were recommended to me

Reading 6 books as part of the PBT decathlon

Partaking in Challies Avid Reader Challenge:

  1. A biography
  2. A book about christian living
  3. A book published in 2018
  4. A book by an author who is no longer alive
  5. A novel
  6. A book for teens or young adults
  7. A book more than 100 years old
  8. A book targeted at the opposite gender
  9. A book your best friend recommends
  10. A book with at least 400 pages
  11. A book of your choice
  12. A book about theology
  13. A book about current events
  14. A book of 100 pages or less
  15. A book about the early church
  16. A book with a picture of the author on the cover
  17. A book on the current New York bestsellers list
  18. A book written by a puritan
  19. A book by or about a pastor
  20. A commentary on a book of the Bible
  21. A book that won a prize
  22. A book you have borrowed
  23. A book about Christian history
  24. A book by an author you’ve never read before
  25. A book based on a true story
  26. A book by a female author